A big thank you to all the members who attended the AGM on Saturday night. It was a very lively evening with lots of discussion and interesting ideas for future activities. We now sadly say farewell to Gavin Collins as our outgoing President. Gavin has done an excellent job for the last three years and will be a tough act to follow. However, he has kindly agreed to continue as a liaison officer on the new committee. Well done and thank-you Gavin. Farewell and thank-you also to Kevin Tobin who has also been an active member of the committee for the last three years.
Our new President is Eileen Bergesen who has been the Treasurer of the Society for the last three years. Karyn Reynolds takes over as Treasurer while Elaine Pelly stays on as Vice President. We have two new committee members, Marianne Barron and Paudy Kenny who have very kindly stepped up to the table to help out with various activities.
We have also got some new volunteers to help out on various sub-commitees which will mean we can now organise a much wider range of social, cultural and sporting events. A big thank-you to Patricia Vik, Declan O Connell and Gary Baird for offering their assistance here. Last but not least thank-you to Carol Husby for her ongoing valuable assistance.
So good luck to the new committee and here’s to another year of exciting activities for all our members. The minutes of the AGM will be posted on the website at a later date. Keep your eyes peeled for details of the Summer Bar-B-Que to be held at end of August. ….date and venue to be finalised shortly.
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